Since I was young, I always knew that my life experiences should have been recorded. I knew that if some of the challenges I faced were shared with others, they would indeed be inspired to continue living and follow any dream they may have had. I also knew that my story would have the power to change lives, even if it was just the lives of its main characters.
When I first set out to write a book about my life I was scared. I didn’t know how my family would react to the fact that I would be airing all of our laundry, even the dirty. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to publish the book or find the right people to help me transform my words into a book. I soon allowed my fears get the best of me and put the outline that I had and chapter one of my book to the side.
Three years later, after receiving an unaccountable amount emails and messages from different people across the world who have in some way seen and or heard my story. I found it surprising that so many people were reaching out to not only tell me how much my work has helped them but they were also now sharing their personal stories with me as well. I soon found myself giving advice that was to the best of my ability to complete strangers about decisions they could consider making to help better their life or a situation they may have been facing. I soon realized that me, the same person that did not always have someone to turn to for advice that was both honest and positive, advice that I really found tangible. I didn’t always have someone that I felt comfortable opening up to at all times about my every worry, someone that I felt wouldn’t judge me or later repeat what I told them to someone else. This may have been the reason I kept the fact that I was HIV positive a secret for the first three years after finding out my status.
I also realized that though ninety eight percent of these people were complete strangers, I must have in one way or another sent them the impression that they could indeed come to me and talk about what weighed the heaviest on their heart. I must have looked like I would be able to understand what they were going through and indirectly sent the message that any secret they shared would be safe with me.
Though some of them may have come during the 3am hour, I never once ignored or objected any of the messages that anyone sent me. I always made sure that I answered each and every message with a heart filled response.
It was during the response to a message that I was hit with the reality that people did look up to me, people trusted me, people believed in me. I knew that these same people would be the people that would support my book, even if no one else did. I knew they would be the people who could learn something from reading about my life. I knew that once my book became a book, I would again make a positive impact on the world. I then opened up my outline and turned that one chapter into a manuscript. Despite the fact that a person I considered to be a friend and at one time looked up to told me I didn’t need to write a book, I knew I still had to write. I soon got the needed support from others that were close to me that pushed me to continue to write. It’s funny how sometimes if one person is against you, you can easily forget about the hundreds that are for you.
A week after releasing my book, A book that I not only wrote but also edited and published alone. My memoir titled “The Way I See It”
I sit and analyze my life and success thus far I can say that I am proud of what I have achieved at the age of twenty-four years old. I smile when I think of how many people that I have not had the pleasure to yet meet who has purchased a copy of my book. I smile when I think about all of the messages that I still receive and now its not just people who need advice, some just need a person to talk to. I’m glad I can be that person. That same person I could not find when I needed it. I’m glad I didn’t let any negative advice hold me back because in the end, I had to be my biggest fan.
I truly thank everyone who has supported me in one way or another in getting to the level I am at today. It’s because of your support that I have no plans on stopping the work that I am doing any time soon.
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